
Helping millions of developers easily build, test, manage, and scale applications of any size – faster than ever before.

The DigitalOcean pricing section is effective for several reasons:

  1. Clear and Concise Tiered Structure:
  • Basic Droplets Title: The title “Basic Droplets” clearly defines the product category.
  • Informative Description: The description provides a clear understanding of the target use cases for these virtual machines.
  • CPU Options: The presentation of different CPU options (Regular Intel, Premium Intel, Premium AMD) allows users to choose based on their performance needs.
  • Pricing Clarity: The monthly and hourly pricing is clearly displayed for each configuration.


  1. Emphasis on Key Specifications:
  • Memory and CPU: The memory and CPU specifications are prominently displayed, which are crucial factors for users selecting virtual machines.
  • Storage: The SSD Disk storage is clearly indicated, along with the capacity for each configuration.
  • Transfer: The data transfer allowance is clearly stated.


  1. User-Friendly Interface:
  • Radio Buttons: The radio buttons for CPU options provide a simple and intuitive way to select a configuration.
  • Visual Hierarchy: The pricing and specifications are presented in a clear and organized manner.


  1. Highlighting New Options:
  • “NEW” Badges: The “NEW” badges for the Premium Intel and Premium AMD options draw attention to the latest offerings.


  1. Focus on Core Value:
  • Balanced Virtual Machines: The description highlights the “balanced” nature of these virtual machines, emphasizing their suitability for a range of applications.
  • Scalability: The mention of “scale applications” indicates the potential for growth.

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