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What is Marketing & Advertising Graphic Design?

What is Marketing & Advertising Graphic Design?

Graphic design, as we all know, is the creation of visual components to solve problems & express ideas through text, images, color & form. It is very useful in conveying a business’s message to its audience. 

Now, let’s understand what marketing & advertising graphic design is & how they are useful for brands. 

What is Marketing & Advertising Graphic Design?

What is Marketing & Advertising Graphic Design?

The visual artwork that is created for marketing & advertisements is called marketing & advertising graphic design. It’s a link between marketing & design. Its sole purpose is to persuade users to buy products & services.💰 

In the modern era, there are tons of channels for advertising your brand. Marketers use a wide range of advertising platforms, from digital to traditional ads. 

Let us walk you through the types of marketing & advertising graphic designs that businesses use. Hopefully, you get some inspiration & can incorporate a few, if not all of these tactics in your future marketing campaigns. 

Types of Marketing & Advertising Graphic Designs

Branding Assets

Designing your branding assets is the most important factor when marketing your brand. Branding assets are your logos, business cards, letterheads, catalogs, brochures, etc. Using graphic designing to craft attractive corporate-style branding assets is vital for brand recognition.

Generally speaking, people recognize brands with their brand assets. That is why using graphic designs to design them is important to help build brand authority, brand consistency & establish a brand identity.  

Display Ads

Every advertiser knows how important display ads are. They can be found on websites, apps, social media channels, etc. Advertisers use Google Ads for the most part & you should definitely use it too.

We all know how often we skip an ad because it is dull or irrelevant. That’s where graphic designing for display ads comes into the picture. 

With captivating graphic designs, you can attract people to your ad & make them stay a bit longer. Some people might even click on your ad, which can direct them to your landing page. That’s how important it is to create eye-glazing👀 display ads. 

Social Media Ads

Social media marketing has been a hot subject lately. Nearly half of the people in the world use social media. This makes it very important for advertisers to target them via social media advertising. 

Social media paid ads are very easy to set up & if you craft a super sexy graphic design for your ad campaign, you are very likely to hit your sales target. Make sure your designs are very attractive. If not, your ad will just skip people’s feeds. 

You need to make sure about the different ratios & trends on different social media platforms. One thing might work on Facebook, while it may not work on LinkedIn. 

Outdoor Ads

People often read outdoor ads, which makes them still relevant. Although it can be relatively expensive to set up an outdoor ad, the amount of reach your brand will get is huge. Probably no other offline advertising can match that. 

A few examples of outdoor advertising are:

  • Billboards
  • Flyers
  • Posters
  • Car Wraps
  • Guerilla Marketing

Again, you need to have eye-catchy visuals on your billboards. One way to attract🧲 people is by giving them something of value🎁 that encourages the first step of action. You can give out a promo code in your outdoor ad so that people visit your website & some may even purchase your product/service. 

Email Marketing Design

Email marketing is still going strong. Marketers know how effective this strategy can be in increasing conversions. 

The only problem is there will be tons of emails already in a person’s inbox. That’s why it’s crucial that you create a visually compelling email template that’ll drive action from your leads.

Also, you need to ensure that your leads open your cold sales email. Here are some tips to craft an email that converts:

  • Have a proper structure (Heading, subheading, content, CTA, template, etc.)
  • Use logo
  • Use your specific brand colors
  • Try to make your emails interactive 
  • Have an attention-grabbing subject line
  • Keep your email crisp & clear
  • Use high-quality images, illustrations & graphics

Event Ads

Brands often organize events to increase their brand awareness. Having a face-to-face conversation with people is one of the most effective ways to convince them. Be a part of trade shows, product launches, charities, etc. to put your brand in front of people. 

Use various signs, such as banners & brochures to maximize your brand’s recognition. Talk to people, engage in contests & share your business cards with them.

You can also create photo booths at trade shows & have a specific hashtag that people will use when posting their pictures on social media. This is an incredible way to generate buzz for your brand. 

You need to use top-notch graphic designs to make your banners & brochures appealing. Create a proper structure to make your creatives easily understandable. 

Newspaper & Magazine Ads

Use your advertising graphic designs to create mind-numbing graphics for your brand on newspapers & magazines. There are a lot of people who read newspapers & magazines. Especially if your target demographics consist of older people, you should definitely advertise on these traditional platforms.

You can also create cool graphic designs on eBooks for your online readers. 

Final Words

We’ve mentioned what marketing & advertising graphic designs are & how you can use them to promote your brand and increase sales. 

You can get Unlimited marketing & advertising graphic designs for your brand by subscribing to Draftss. Get yourself JAW-DROPPING graphic designs with a turnaround time of just 1-3 days😉. You can also book a call 📞to get started right away. 

Are you interested in visually appealing graphic designs for your brand? Share your thoughts with us.

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