Game design

Multimedia Design and Career in Gaming Industry

The gaming industry is one of the most thrilling and rewarding in current times. Latest technologies and trends are followed to develop PC, console, and mobile games also where graphic designers can play a crucial part. The gaming industry is tremendously large. So large than the music and movie industry combine amount for less value. In 2020 the gaming market was valued at USD 162.32 Billion and is expected to grow to USD 295.63 Billion by 2026. If you are a graphic designer looking for a job in the gaming industry then many jobs are available for you. Before applying for a job in the gaming industry you need to the industry itself. Read the rest of the article to understand more about the industry, jobs, and where to find them.

console gaming

What is Design in Gaming Industry?

The gaming industry is now one of the most important sources of entertainment. Earlier it was limited to a certain age group but now with advancements in technology, every age group is hooked to this. The Gaming industry is just getting heat up. Started from simple Pong joysticks to games like Rainbow 6: Siege that contains profound details. Think about any idea for a new game and you will find it already developed in the past. Being one of the best sources of entertainment it provides plenty of jobs. The role of an interface designer, marketing, user experience, and social media is also required by every game developer.

How to Start?

Understand the Gaming Industry before jumping to get onto any job in this field. This industry has a number of different elements that collectively form a complete design and a game in the big picture. Graphic designing is the most crucial component in the gaming industry. Games today are also using technologies that help developers to create games that are highly immersive. We usually miss the tiny details while playing a game and as a graphic designer I firmly believe in the text quoted by an artist ” The beauty is in the details “.

Design for Video Game:

Every graphic designer who aspires to work in this field involves working with difficult software and design 3D structures. Everything in a video game has a visual element also. For instance, when you run a game the menu comes first than the actual game itself. A Graphic designer is thus required to design elements such as icons, information, menu, etc. A big project might have a designated role for each of these elements but that’s not always the case. Apart from this, a Graphic Designer can also help in making social media content, ad banners, and marketing the video game. Good knowledge of design and project is vital as it can affect the image of the video game.

Design the Video Game:

People who love video games and also want to be a developer need certain skills required. Thus as a designer, you should have a degree in video game design with enough experience so that you can contribute to the Gaming community. Knowledge of the latest trends and gaming habits is also necessary. A person who loves the idea of video games should thus pursue this career path as being creative is of paramount importance if you want to succeed.

Game design

Gaming Industry Jobs for Graphic Designers :

Depending on your skill set and experience a large number of jobs are also available in the industry. However, you just need to remember which role will suit you the best and work hard to reach your dream company.

Some great jobs in the industry with their payouts are:

Graphic Designer :

Graphic Designer can contribute to designing iconography, typography, and illustrations. At an initial level, graphic designers work in teams to complete their tasks. Experience of 1-2 years will be required to apply for a job as a Graphic Designer in a video game company.

Salary expectations – $40k to $80k

Game animator :

Game animators use art and technology to produce interactive images and environments for video games. A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Animation/Art with 2 years of experience is also required to work as a game animator.

Salary expectations – $74k to $121k

UI/UX Designer :

As a User Interface and User Experience, you are expected to modify the way users interact in the game. They should provide ease of understanding to the user as they are in charge of mapping and designing. Deep knowledge and understanding of the latest market trends are necessary if you aspire to work here.

Salary Expectations – $90k to $110K

Senior Designer :

Just as the name suggests you have to be well experienced to apply for this role. Graphic Designers will thus look up to you as the person who can solve all their problems. A senior designer is also a leader for all the other designers as he is experienced. A senior designer can interview new members and train them as a teacher.

Salary expectations: $90k to $120k

Creative Director :

A creative director is someone who has experience in a variety of roles that are explained above. A good amount of experience is required to apply for a creative director’s job. A man who is trusted by the team and knows how to make things happen in an organization is given the creative director’s role. A creative director can also act as a leader in many decisions and sometimes run the company too.

Salary expectations – $47k to $144k

Art Director :

An Art Director is someone who plays a vital role in every stage of the making of a video game. They work with all the other teams to get the best output possible. Providing artistic leadership and leading all the other teams to their goal is one of the tasks of an Art Director. Only a highly qualified and highly experienced person can be an Art Director.

Salary expectations – $130k to $150k

Where to find jobs in Gaming Industry?

You’ve made it this far, congratulations. I have compiled a list of websites for you where you can apply and make your own name in the world of designing. Apart from this almost every big company is always looking for more talented designers. Check their website for a jobs/career section and apply as per your ability.

1: Niantic – Mobile Games

2: Zynga – Mobile Games

3: Supercell – Mobile Games

4: King Digital – Mobile Games

5: Bungie – Console Games

6: Rockstar Games – Console Games

7: Take-Two – Interactive Console Games

8: EA Sports – Mobile + Console Games

9: Activision – Mobile + Console Games

10: Tencent Games – Mobile + Console Games

If you are just starting out then before applying to these jobs try to increase your reach in the community with the help of websites like ( LinkedIn, Fiverr, Upwork, Indeed, Dribbble, Krop, and NODESK). Many more websites will help you in your cause. Keeps your eyes and ears wide open for any new projects/jobs in the market.

Applying for a job can be a tedious task but remember the key is to remain patient and apply for as many jobs as you can. Be promising and polite in your message. Try and will succeed as this market is huge and up for grabs.

Picture of Haider Momin

Haider Momin

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