Social login buttons & links to social media channels — in 2023, still a thing in web design and app design. What business isn’t these days on social media?
They’re a necessity! It’s pretty handy to know the different formats for font colors and graphics used by social networks.
Every time we design an app or a website, it is something we “Google.” For instance, “Facebook blue,” “Facebook hex value” & “What’s the color that Facebook uses?” “Facebook fonts and colors.”
So, let’s take a look at Messenger, fonts & colors for Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Google fonts and colors, and YouTube fonts and colors.
Facebook Color Values: Hex value: #1877F2, RGB value: RGB(24 119 242)
Fonts: Windows: Segoe UI
macOS: San Francisco
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto
Messenger Color Values: Hex value: #0084FF, RGB value: RGB(0 132 255)
Fonts: Messenger on macOS applies Helvetica Neue instead of San Francisco, but everything else supports the system default.
Instagram Color Values: Hex value: #E1306C, RGB value: RGB(225 48 108)
Instagram uses many colors in its branding, although the color value mentioned above is used in their examples.
Fonts: Windows: Segoe UI
macOS: San Francisco
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto
Twitter Color Values: Hex value: #1DA1F2, RGB value: RGB(29 161 242)
Fonts: Windows: Helvetica
macOS: Helvetica Neue
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto
WhatsApp Color Values: Hex value: #25D366, RGB value: RGB(37 211 102)
Fonts: Whatsapp uses Helvetica
Pinterest Color Values: Hex value: #E60023, RGB value: RGB(230 0 35)
Fonts: Pinterest employs Helvetica/Neue Haas Grotesk for their website, but the default system font for everything else.
Windows: Segoe UI
macOS: San Francisco
iOS: San Francisco
Android: Roboto
LinkedIn Color Values: Hex value: #1666C5, RGB value: RGB(22 102 197)
Fonts: LinkedIn uses Sans-Serif on their website, which means Helvetica first/Arial second/system default otherwise.
Snapchat Color Values: Hex value: #FFFC00, RGB value: RGB(255 252 0)
Fonts: Standing out from the crowd, Snapchat uses the Graphik font.
YouTube Color Values: Hex value: #FF0000, RGB: RGB(255 0 0)
Android, Google, and Google-owned apps like YouTube use the design system known as Material Design, which references several colors and recommends using the Roboto font.
Google Blue Color Value: Hex value: #4285F4, RGB value: RGB(66 133 244)
Google Red Color Value: Hex value: #EA4335, RGB value: RGB(234 67 53)
Google Yellow Color Value: Hex value: #FBBC05, RGB value: RGB(251 188 5)
Google Green Color Value: Hex value: #34A853, RGB value: RGB(52 168 83)
Alphabet Red Color Value: Hex value: #ED1C24, RGB value: RGB(52 168 83)
Font: Google uses Roboto. It uses Product Sans in its logo.
Feel free to check our blog page for more such informative articles on different types of fonts, like the ones used by Disney or the fonts that websites use for a retro look.