Whenever you meet someone for the first time, the very first thing that you both do is to introduce yourself to each other. When you depart, an impressive introduction stays on your mind and helps you to identify and recognize the person when you meet him/her for the next time and even helps you to form a perception based on the same. The same goes with the logo of a brand.
A good introduction is important to leave a good image of a person, a good logo is important for any brand to leave a mark on the minds of its customers.
What do you think makes up a good logo? Let’s see what it is that makes a good logo so important for any business.
Why Is It Important To Have A Good Logo?
1. First Impression
The first impression is the last and it certainly is true for this case. The first thing a customer is going to see is the logo of the brand and if you succeed in creating a great logo for your business, it is going to stay on the mind of your customers for sure.
If it stays longer, it brings them back!
What goes into making a strong first impression? There are several brands and many logos out there in the market. What is it that makes your logo unique and different?
A lot of efforts, creativity, and research go into the making of a great logo. A great logo is meant to speak – the values of the business as well as about the products and services of the business. Other aspects include appropriate colors, uniqueness, and a style unique to the brand that helps people to recognize it. Several services provided by the agencies like Draftss make it even easier for several businesses to come up with nothing less but amazing logos. Services like unlimited design packages help these businesses in getting a logo designed as well as getting an edge in the business.
Many logos can be instantly recognized and associated with the product or a company, but logos of Apple, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, IBM, and Google are the most valuable in the world due to the brand they represent.
A logo is a graphical representation of the brand. It represents the brand through imagery, color, and font. But it gets difficult to gain attention these days as people are hard to convince and there is already a lot of competition out in the market. But a logo that speaks for itself and the business can go a long way in making it easier to get noticed and gain the attention of the customers.
Defining your target market is the very first step to begin with for having a great logo that gets to have attention. To know what is appealing to the customer base of your business, to gain insights about their behavior, and thus choosing a direction to proceed further will help a lot in deciding the theme of the logo. The next step of choosing great graphic designing services plays a critical role in the successful designing of the logo which can represent the brand well enough. Several graphic designing service providers are easily available and are highly affordable. Unlimited graphic designing services provided by Draftss have been highly useful for several businesses to get better at designing their brand. Make sure to choose the right graphic design colors to make the logo attractive as well as appealing.
The golden arches – who doesn’t recognize that? It’s partly because it’s internationally known, and also because of how simple it is. It’s derived from their early architecture to be seen from afar, and now it’s incorporated into their branding.
The basic logo designs that one can choose from are:
The graphic design for the logo could be a typographical resemblance to the brand. For instance, the logos of brands like SONY, COCA-COLA, FEDEX, etc.
The graphic designing for this type of logos include detailed illustrations of the elements related to what the company does. These logos are usually made up of complex graphic designing elements. For instance, logos from the domain of restaurant and cooking Papa Bear Health, Spice My Life, etc.
The logos of the type of abstracts are in the form of symbols and icons that symbolizes the values and services of a brand. For instance, the logos of Nike, Play-Station, Black Phoenix, etc. are the abstract logos.
The mixture of two or more brand architectures creates a hybrid firm and its logo. This takes place either through mergers or when a firm undergoes restructuring in its brand architecture. The logos of P&G and Key can be termed as the perfect examples of such logos.
Apart from this, the graphic designing colors that you choose for the logo are as important as the graphic designing itself. Colors communicate on a very instinctive level so it gets very important to keep up with the colors while making a great logo design.
A great logo shall encompass the meaning as well as the significance of the brand. Just like the perception of a person is associated with the name, products, and services of a brand have their identity associated with the logo. The logo tells the whole story about the brand and hence serves as the foundation of the identity of the brand and its significance.
The logo of Suzuki shall only be associated with the manufacturing of automobiles rather than a Pizza!
When customers see a well-designed logo, they automatically think about your business, your products, and your services. So, it’s important to design a logo that has the potential to represent your brand and its services.
Uniqueness says it all! Logo plays a very important role in the recognition of a brand. Make sure it is unique and it’s just yours. It is the measure that helps in distinguishing a brand from others in the market and makes it easy for the customers to find their favorite.
There are several services providers like Draftss who have been highly experienced and successful in creating great logos for several businesses for several domains and industries. Professional graphic designing services can help you to design which is unique and is made for your brand. These design services provide you a wide range of ideas at a very affordable price with several support services for your logo to be one of its kind.
The value of trust the logo of Apple brings to you is enormous!
Get your customers to trust you because trust comes with loyalty. A brand that offers a great experience for its customers starts to gain value and all the value thus gained gets associated with the identity of the brand – Logo! A Nike shoe certainly has a great deal of trust in comparison to a locally manufactured one and thus, its logo carries value for its customers.