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Design Balance 101: How to Use Symmetry & Asymmetry

When you have two similar sides of a design with a central axis point, symmetrical equilibrium occurs. So if you split the design in half, the left & right are mirror images of each other. A concept has to have evenly weighted graphics on each side. It is then considered to be completely symmetrical.

Symmetrical nature enables you to similarly attract attention to all areas of an image. This style of design is typically very organized & rigid in nature & is known as formal balance.

For advertisers, a symmetrical design is suitable for projects such as invites to events or coupon sales. But if used on more innovative items, it may appear repetitive.

When you have separate visual representations on each side of the design, asymmetrical harmony happens & yet the image still looks balanced. A concept needs to have unequal visual weight on each side. It is then deemed asymmetrical. Also, those unequal visuals need to offset each other.

Design Balance 101: How to Use Symmetry & Asymmetry

Asymmetrical designs can elicit sensations of movement & look more contemporary than symmetrical designs, but it can be harder & less simple to create associations between the different elements of the design.

It is important to note that asymmetrical equilibrium is still strategic — the haphazard placement of shapes around a page will not create a compelling composition. You will need to work out how to balance out the picture to make a good asymmetrical design.

For example, The Starry Night of Vincent van Gogh uses a prominent visual, the light, in the upper right. And contrasts it out with a dark cypress tree in the lower left. If Van Gogh put both the sun and the tree on the right side of the page. It would not be a successful asymmetrical balance.

Asymmetric balance is where you have two opposite sides of a pattern & have unequally positioned visual weight & yet you have always achieved a sense of balance. It stimulates a feeling of modernism & movement. Symmetric balance, on the other hand, is when, on either side of a central point of the axis. You have two identical sides of the design with equal weight. It evokes a sense of structure and formality.

Examples of Balance in Graphic Design

airbnb logo

Google logo

apple website

Inclean business card design

hallo. simple design

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