Wondering What All Should Your Blog Have? Take A Look!


Creating a blog has now become the easiest and most convenient activity. All you have to do is use WordPress and then start writing. Creation of blogs is an important activity in terms of the exposure and publicity it provides to your brand. It’s usually seen that while selling the products the company complements it with beautifully written blogs. What function do they play? Blogs are a good way to put in words, the various experiences of the company. Besides that, blogs are a good excursion. Most of the times, you as a customer will be willing to read something informative or entertaining apart from the usual stuff about products. That’s where you need blogs. Yet the bigger question is as to what all makes a blog worth reading and good? 

Read the below points to know more about it! 

What all to include in a blog? 


  • Interesting Topics 

This should be anyways the first priority of any blog. Don’t ever try to incorporate difficult topics that make it almost negligible for readers to comprehend. Include simple topics related to your brand. For example, if you are a designing company, include topics like the importance of graphics, how to create good graphics etc. Try creating blogs that engage readers. Only then will they actually read your pieces. 

  • Keep Comments open

How will you know that your blogs are being liked or loved? One way is to look at the likes it is receiving. The other way is to look at comments. People will surely comment on your blog if they like it. Though there are built-in comments system too, yet you can add your own commenting system as well. That way you will be able to engage with readers. Besides, you can like their comments and reply to their queries too. 


  • Adding Categories

Why is this crucial? Well,s for a simple reason that clarity and demarcation is important in a blog. Otherwise the rea,ders may have to struggle to find the proper headings and sub-headings. This is also crucial to keep your blog organized. But just make sure that the categories are completely lucid. They need not be too voluminous and bulky. By adding around 4-5 categories, your blog is sorted out! 

  • A lot of visuals and pictures

From designing your blog to actually adding feature images and others in it, it’s the whole play of visual. Even if you compromise a little bit on content, you can’t afford to lose the value of the graphics. Graphics designing is the most essential feature central to any blog. Once you watch a beautiful blog, you get enamoured by the design alone. That’s how crucial visuals are! Try incorporating minute details like animation, HD images etc. in a blog. When posting a written piece, add a big image. Besides that, add a lot of graphics because that’s the mantra behind a successful blog. A professional designer will do that! 

  • Engrave/ embed links and Content

What does embedded content mean? , it includes things like important files, links, videos etc. that can complement your written word. In order to make the best blog, you need to carefully balance both written as well as other content. You can include content such as YouTube videos. Thus, if you are writing on graphics designing strategies by Neil Patel. Then through that link, the reader can directly go to the YouTube video. It will allow visitors to watch the video right on your website than having to leave it and watch it on YouTube’s website. 

  • Add Excerpts

There is mostly a brief introduction that is included in the beginning of the post. This is an excerpt. Excerpts are good at creating curiosity among readers regarding the full full-fledged posts. Without excerpts, your blog’s landing page is going to go terrible. 

Try including the most influential and best lines from the post in excerpts. 

  • Author’s name and identity

Most of the times, the viewers are so impressed with the blog that they wish to know more about the writer behind it. 

You can thus include authorship within your system. In most of the blogs, the number of articles written by the author is mentioned. Apart from that the name, date of joining and social media profile link of theirs is also shared on the blog . This only makes the whole blog more interactive . 

A blog is truly an embellishment. And only by following a certain set of procedures you, will be able to adorn your blog properly. 

Picture of Navneet Kaur

Navneet Kaur

Pursuing English Honours at Lady Shriram College for Women, DU Reader|| Writer

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