Drop Servicing Business With Draftss in 2020: A Practical Guide.

In the business world today, you can drop service from anything to everything. But the only thing you should not drop service is the thing you do not understand. Although you don’t have to be an expert to drop service a digital product, having some basic knowledge of what you are offering is definitely going to help. It is also very important to trust the service partners you’re going to work with. 

A major benefit of drop servicing for businesses is to reduce overhead costs. Thus, it’s very important to analyze the complete financial structure you are going to follow while you are drop servicing. Find drop servicing partners who can help you reduce overhead costs. The type of packages offered, their upfront costs, and the flexibility they provide would be integral aspects to evaluate their compatibility with you.

Drop servicing can be easy. First, you need to define and put together what are your going to drop service and who are you going to provide the services.

Second, find yourself a partner to drop service. It’s very important to get a partner who fits your requirements appropriately. The partner can be an individual, a group of individuals, or professional companies.

Third, you need to get on  a platform to be able to make your services available to your potential and target customers. Simplest of all is to get yourself a website!

Fourth, and the final, you need to have a marketing strategy which is fit and exact for all your requirements and can be executed with the available resources. Take help from your drop servicing partners in formulation of a perfect strategy!

Let us understand how you can start drop servicing in detail!


Drop Servicing Design And WordPress & HTML Services

Designing and WordPress & HTML services are highly in demand in almost every industry. Every organization wants to be the best and for that matter of choice, they understand that they need to look best. Digital transformation for every business has become an integral aspect that they can’t ignore and thus frontend designing of various digital platforms has gained importance.

Due to rising importance, they bring in a lot of business opportunities. Some of the most popular services being drop serviced widely are:

  1. Logo Designing & Branding
  2. WordPress Development & Designing
  3. Web Development & Designing
  4. Graphic Designing
  5. App UI/UX Designing
  6. Promotional Designing
  7. Merchandise Designing
  8. Brochure/Newsletter/Whitepaper/Postcards Designing

And the limit is endless!

While your firm gets ready to bring in designers who have absolute brilliance to design these particulars, it’s always a good idea to get it outsourced without compromising on the quality of services and without diluting the resources for your growth.

Let’s take you quickly through some of the services highly in demand:


  •       Logo Designing & Branding

Logo & Branding is something very essential to every business and if you provide it, you’re an integral part of the business world. You can easily subscribe to a designing package and get the logo designing and branding services Drop Shipped with a designing company.  

  • WordPress Designing & Development

WordPress Development is easy to update, edit, change or modify the content of the website. You can easily propose great designs and highly modified wordpress websites to your clients for a variety of needs like e-commerce, for bookings, for portfolios, for blogging, and several more.


  •       Graphic Designing

Graphics are important and so is the one who provides it! Get great graphic designing services Drop Serviced with a designing company and let your designing business expand with ease. One of the major advantages to use Draftss as your Drop Servicing Partner is that Draftss lets you use the portfolio of its great designs in various formats with no marks and thus lets you portray your image as an expert.

  • Web & App UI/UX

Companies and businesses around the globe are very conscious of engaging with their audience in the right way and thus investing large sums on improving their UI/UX. This aspect is indispensable for business in the near future and thus can give a boost to your drop servicing business and keep it afloat for a good time. You can get these services drop serviced  by organisations around the world easily and serve your clients making decent profits!

  •       Promotional Designing

Promotional designing plays a crucial role. What, How, and Where an organization says and communicates with the respective target audience makes a great difference and organisations are spending a lot on it. Your drop servicing business can design particulars like flyers, graphic designs, social media content, brochures, e-books,  infographics, illustrations, and similar such things to cater to their needs while just getting them all drop serviced.  

  • Merchandise

Every company wishes to become a brand and is working hard to grow thus making the demand of branded merchandise to go higher. Merchandise designing is one of the highly demanded and widely famous concepts of branding. You can provide a number of merchandise like T-shirts, Stationeries, Postcards, and such other things and get them Drop Serviced easily. 


  • Brochure/Newsletter/Whitepaper/Postcards Designing

These are the basics every business requires before it even starts doing business. By having a great designing agency on your back, you can claim your expertise in these services for the upcoming and thriving businesses and explore a huge market full of demand. Get these particulars like Brochure, Newsletters, Whitepapers, Postcards, and other essentials designed through Drop Servicing services and make a great business deal for yourself out of it.


How are you going to get these services Drop Serviced?

A number of platforms and portals form a community of freelancers and experts who can make a perfect team for performing services on behalf of you and work as a drop servicing partner for your business. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and many other similar platforms are up and running where you can find your drop servicing partners. 

But as everything comes in life not easy, there can be some complications you may have to deal with.

  • Some of these platforms keep a percentage share of the total cost of the project retained adding a little risk to your profits from the projects. 
  • Also, it may get difficult for you to trust random freelancers upon these platforms although the reviews and ratings of the freelancers are provided. 
  • Even if you get some freelancers and individuals upon these problems, it’s an additional challenge for you to manage them as well with your growing business.

Some platforms also provide a complete solution as a platform for dispute resolution, but why get into them when you can just avoid them!

You can look up to Draftss for your drop servicing business and make it easier as well as comfortable for you to work well. Some of the key aspects of Draftss are: 

  1. 100+ services offered.
  2. No need to review the designers!
  3. You get an entire design team.
  4. Especially trained people for handling your project as well.
  5. Great technical knowledge.
  6. Superb customer support.
  7. One time & subscription based payment models.
  8. Quick and Easy.
  9. Awesome Designs
  10. Helps with design & code consultations as well.
  11. Integration with Slack & Trello makes it easier to work with them.
  12. A lot of businesses as well as individuals use Draftss for Drop Servicing.
  13. Draftss work with small as well as huge brands.
  14. Pretty Cool Team to Work with.
  15. All the services you get offered are white labeled.

One of the best and the rarest things to find is a pricing model that works on subscription. Draftss provides its subscription based pricing model that helps you strategize as well as set your pricing and revenue targets.

A number of platforms can get you started with your Drop Servicing business instantly, smoothly, and with ease but what about the customers? Let’s make your services available to your target customers with some simple and effective steps.

How Should You Make These Services Available?

The best and the quickest way to reach out to your clients is online!


Get an amazing website built for your organization in no time with great service providers in the market available and set up your online portfolio for your to-be-customers to opt and subscribe to your services.

While you propose to service your clients, be an expert! Some of the in-demand drop servicing partner companies like Draftss let you showcase all their expertise and solutions as yours and showcase a broad and huge portfolio for which you can be called as an expert.

Receive your subscriptions and demands from your clients and let your Drop Servicing partner serve them on behalf of you.

It’s that easy!


How should you price these services?

A perfect Drop Servicing pricing strategy will help you to get a better marketing strategy and create more sales, thus more profits. 

Failing to have an optimum price point for your services through Drop Servicing, you may either lose customers by setting the prices too high or may lose upon potential profits by setting the prices too low.

Most common pricing strategies are:

  • The Traditional Cost Based Pricing: where prices are dependent upon cost and aspired profits.
  • Competition Based Pricing Strategy: where prices are strategically aligned with the prices offered by competitors.
  • Customer Based Pricing Strategy: where prices are flexible enough and the final charges are based upon the type, strata, and payment capacity of the customers. 

Average Prices

For each scope of services, choose an average range of prices. For example, you subscribe to a monthly subscription of Draftss and price each of the services according to the average value. 

  • Logo & Designing services are usually quoted in a range of $150-$1500.
  • Landing Pages are designed at an average price range of $300-$1200.
  • UI/UX Designs for the Mobile Apps are priced in the range of $300-$1200.
  • Infographic designs usually are priced in the range of $5-$367.

More number of projects you get in a month, the more profit for your organization!


How to get customers?

  • Use Upwork & Similar Sites

A number of platforms, networks, and communities like:

  1. Freelancer
  2. Upwork
  3. Fiverr 
  4. Toptal
  5. Simply Hired

help organizations as well as individuals to bag projects on a freelance basis. They make it easy for the demand side as well as the supply side to come together upon a platform, analyse the deal, and further close the deal!


  • Google Ads & Facebook Ads

Using Google Ads & other Social Media platforms can do wonders for businesses to get leads and potential customers while saving a big investment cost for the business. Further, use google analytics and google trends to track the growth as well as improve upon the ongoing growth of your online platforms.


  • Friends & Family

Friends & family acquaintances can be your initial clients and once you get your first project, it only gets easier. Offer your friends and acquaintances services for dirt cheap prices and in exchange you get to become the best person to refer your business to their network further ultimately providing you with a lot of leads in future.



  • SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) activities can highly help you bring in a lot of traffic to your web based business portals. Use it to bring out the best content and to engage with the highly convertible leads. Tools and services to help you with SEO like YoastSEO, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, SEOPress, and other similar tools can help gain organic traffic. Search engines play a major role and are a great source of traffic for most websites on the internet. Optimizing your website for search engines can help you rank higher in search results and significantly grow your Drop Serviced business.  


And Done!

Drop Servicing the design services is going to make a good choice for you and your business to deal with the clients with the best quality when dealing with management or financial constraints. Make sure you have an appropriate and compatible Drop Servicing artner for your organization. Drop Servicing can relieve you from a lot and this makes it a highly lucrative opportunity for a business to grab.

You’ve got your organization settled up, you’ve got your design and development services Drop Serviced to Draftss, and now serving your clients with the best is the next! 

Looking for an easy and quick way to get the services Drop Serviced to Draftss?

Reach out to [email protected] and let your business expand!

Drop Servicing is going to be the future of a number of businesses soon. It’s better to find your drop servicing partner soon and get started with the delivery of expert services. From partnering with a great designing company like Draftss to achieve perfection just in the beginning to reaching out to your customers and making the services available to them, it’s easy and quick! 

Follow the right steps and you get to have a great business settled up in no time with all the services drop serviced. Start with defining the scope of services you’re going to provide. Find a drop servicing partner for your business, get ready with your services to be showcased before your potential customers, reach out to them and get started! 

Picture of Tushar Dauthal

Tushar Dauthal

With experience in the content & marketing industry, Tushar writes his views and opinions on topics from design, web development, technology, and business growth.

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