Boost your workflow & save a real amount of time with a free dashboard theme. Take ready-to-use templates to your advantage and manage your websites and apps like the big organizations are doing it.
All free admin templates you find in the collection below present a stunning homepage layout that can be tailored according to anyone’s need. They also have handy tools, and some marvelous designs to be chosen.
If you are launching any new project and you want to make it attractive, and catchy then you can use these templates or themes. Here are some free dashboard themes which you can use for any projects of your choice.
1. Pooled

Pooled is a clean & elegant ready-to-use responsive admin template, based on Bootstrap Framework. It’s a cross-browsing responsive template that has many interesting functions ranging from business management, hardware management, online store, music site & much more.
It is a cleanly coded HTML Admin Template entirely made in HTML5, CSS3 & JQuery. Its flat design includes mostly white backgrounds on all pages and its smooth scrolling makes us feel relaxed and makes our view more stable without any fast glance on the screen while scrolling.
2. Dashio

Dashio is a fully free bootstrap admin template built with a bootstrap Framework. It offers more than 35 well-designed pages to create a complete admin for your application.
The design of the Dashio model is highly adaptive and comes with a different-sized viewpoint that supports all popular devices, including mobile devices.
It is suitable for almost any web applicator, such as the admin dashboard, the project management system, the custom admin panel, the CRM, the CMS, and the application backend.
3. Monarch

With Monarch, build an admin dashboard in as short a space of time as possible. There are three different admin demos, one front-end sample, a gallery page, vector maps, invoice templates & mailbox support which help in creating templates.
Its UI elements and fully customizable web design help in creating something extraordinary & running the project like a professional.
4. Robust

Robust is a free bootstrap admin template with a user interface. This helps any user to launch the project without any financial investment.
Robust can be used on small screens. It includes animation effects and other elements of the user interface to make your dashboard more attractive.
5. AdminLTE

AdminLTE is the most popular open-source, and free bootstrap admin template. It is built on of Bootstrap 3 framework, which is Verified HTML5 and CSS3 syntax by W3C services.
6. CoreUI

CoreUI is an open Source free bootstrap admin template. It comes with 3 powerful js framework versions which are AngularJS, ReactJS & VueJS.
CoreUI is completely free. It is designed as its extended version of Bootstrap. Built according to the latest standards and is based on the most popular components and web frameworks.
7. Kapella

Kapella is a free Bootstrap admin template that is built with the Bootstrap framework, jQuery, CSS, HTML5 & SASS. It is an easy-to-use template that can also be customized as per the requirements of any user’s project.
It has an excellent collection of handy tools & essential components. Additionally, there are different types of page layouts are included with Kapella along with several icons, tables & charts.
8. Purple

Purple Admin is a colorful, attractive template that is built by bootstrap. The theme is well-designed, with all the components carefully designed & arranged in the template.
Purple Admin contains all the features that are not cluttered with components that you would not even use. It is the best choice for building management panels, e-commerce systems & project management systems, CMS, or CRM.
9. CoolAdmin

CoolAdmin is a free admin template that can be used for crafting admins of the highest level. It is loaded with amazing features which help in a fast and efficient launch of your dashboard.
CoolAdmin is a Bootstrap-based tool with four different dashboard variations & numerous custom pages, charts, widgets & other practical components & elements.
10. AdminPro

AdminPro is a free HTML5 admin dashboard template. There are seven different demos at your disposal, ready and set for you to utilize.
From dark and light layouts to vertical and horizontal menus AdminPro has all. In addition to the various index pages, AdminPro also has all other components and features that will find of great use.
11. Material Admin

Material Admin is a free bootstrap admin template built using Google’s Material Design for the Web framework. It comes with the basic components; a set of predefined pages & a set of more advanced components & features available in Material Admin Pro.
12. Stellar

Stellar admin dashboard is a free dashboard template based on Bootstrap. Stellar is a multipurpose admin dashboard that can be used for any type of web application.
It can be used to create an admin panel for the backend of any website or web application. It comes with neatly designed components that are realized by well-structured, systematically organized & well-commented code.
Stellar admin dashboard includes a general-purpose admin dashboard, widgets, basic UI elements, tables, icons, form elements, charts & sample pages.
13. Gentella

Gentella is a free, responsive admin template with a flat design. It has got 35+ pages which include pages for e-commerce, projects, contact, profile, etc.
It has libraries that can be used for charts calendars, forms validation, form autocomplete, upload area, range sliders, notifications, etc. It includes a huge collection of plugins & UI elements that can be used for admin templates.
14. Nixon Admin

Nixon is a free bootstrap admin template built with HTML, CSS & JavaScript. It has a good mix of colors and fonts to make the page attractive with the spacious layout.
It also has 11 UI components to add useful content to pages, including quick alerts, nested objects, portlets, nested objects & tasks.
15. Joli

Joli is a free admin template. It is built with Bootstrap 3 and has an interface that is ready to use. The template contains many responsive layouts to choose from for your admin panel & uses flat designs & colors in its interface.
Joli is very easy to customize. Joli has a good collection of charts, graphs, tables, form elements, etc.
16. Modular Admin

Modular Admin is an open-source free admin template built modular on Bootstrap 4 . This is a comprehensive dashboard for web applications, designed to speed up the process of developing the background.
This framework is easily Customizable and the theme features are responsive layout, Bootstrap 4.x, Sass, graphics, template engine, pages & more. Its engine uses Handlebars js, which makes it easy to write a small template with HTML and reuse it in the project.
There are Flot & Morris chart options that you can use to create the GUI of any statistical data.
17. Baxster

Baxster is a flat-designed free bootstrap admin template that is built in HTML5 & CSS3. It is a generally clean look bold admin template. It is completely bootstrapped with 3 frameworks.
18. Metronic

Metronic is an admin Bootstrap template that is built by Bootstrap 3.3.5 & AngularJS 1.3 frameworks. Metronic can be used for custom admin panels, admin dashboards, eCommerce backbends, CMS, CRM, and SAAS.
It has a sleek, clean and intuitive metro & flat balanced design. It has a huge collection of plugging and UI components that work efficiently on all major web browsers, tablets & phones.
19. Limitless

Limitless is an admin dashboard template, based on the Bootstrap framework. It includes 1 main and 3 alternative layouts, 1000+ commented HTML pages, 100+ plugins and extensions, and a Starter kit — a set of blank pages. The limitless template is fully responsive on mobiles and tablets.
20. OneUI

OneUI is a UI framework admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap. It enables the user to build backend and frontend pages using the same fast, and powerful layout. It is created to save time and be as lightweight as possible. It is completely modular with many unique features, which will help in building an awesome product.
21. Metis

Metis is a simple, solid, neatly crafted & advanced free HTML5 admin dashboard template. It has a ton of components, forms, tables, Google Maps, charts, calendars & assets that every user of Metis gets access to.
22. Matrix

Matrix Admin is a lightweight and easy-to-use, clean, resourceful, responsive HTML5 and Bootstrap admin template. This template has been set up fully functional to create the resourceful website & web app admin backend pages and interfaces with plentiful features and options for customization and expansion, without writing code on your own.
23. BCore

BCORE is much more than just a dashboard. It is a fully functional management platform for the front-end and back-end activities of your website/platform.
UI elements include typography, sliders, modules, notification tools, tabs, panels & more. Pages include Calendar, Timeline & Social, There’s an in-built management tool for error pages, data tables, also image galleries.
24. Star Admin

Star Admin is a free admin template designed with Bootstrap 4. The template has a colorful, attractive, simple & elegant design.
The model is well-designed & easily customizable. It is an ideal tool for creating several web applications. Star Admin comes with clean and well-commented code which makes it an ideal choice to start any project.
25. Start Min

Startmin has all the basic Bootstrap components. It has a simple, clean flat design. The sidebar with multi-level drop-downs & various other UI components and elements make it a good starting point for any admin panel.
26. Ample Admin Lite

Ample Admin lite is a template designed for panels and dashboards. Ample Admin lite has a minimalistic design & it clears simple.
Ample Admin lite is an integration of Bootstrap-based & Google Maps. The dashboard is a simplified version of a Mega Menu integrated template. The Layout of this template is responsive & easy to customize.
Ample Admin lite is instinctive, adaptive, and light weighted. It has HTML, JS & CSS3 files & is the best fit for personal users, especially amateurs.
27. Ace

Ace is a free admin template with UI and UX elements. It manages widgets like text boxes, notification bars, and custom HTML widgets. You can readily use all codes available in an open GitHub repository.
28. Siminta

Siminta is a responsive admin dashboard template for admin and backend applications. Siminta is reliable, user-friendly & Customizable.
Siminta comes with a huge collection of plugins and UI components that make your work easy.
29. Monster Admin

It is a free admin dashboard template that is built on HTML. It was built on a clean code. It is made to set up a page in a quick, light & fun experience. It can be personalized through profile pages & constant free updates.
30. SimDash

SimDash is a free admin template created with HTML, JavaScript, CSS3 & Bootstrap. The admin template has many features for recovery.
You can view the demo link on the page and can use many widgets and add many panels to the dashboard. Other options include an online ordering list, a menu list, an order progress, and a to-do list.