Guide For Online Marketers For Outsourcing Designers

In today’s fast-paced world, outsourcing designers considered as the best way to improve your business. Immense production and purchase of goods and services have given a major boost. To worldwide economic globalization, which has ensured the flow of economic assets from place to place. In simple words, the flow of money and growth in globalization from country to country.  That’s taking place rapidly through an important part present in every growing economy. That important part is none other than marketing. The basic marketing functions as the sale and purchase of goods and services across regions, in a layman language. Yet, there is more in marketing than just the exchange of entities with money.

importance of outsourcing designers

The days of mere production and sale of commodities are over, this is a modern era. With the introduction of electronic media such as the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), marketing has seen a vast expanse covering an entire continent, and gradually the entire world. This has mainly taken place due to the shifting of the entire marketing process online, giving rise to a new term of online marketing. There has been increasing growth in the number of marketers, be it individual or industry, taking to online marketing as the best place to conduct all their economic activities with buyers situated at any place across the world. The situation is easy for the buyers as well, where a buyer can order his requirements without the need to visit the seller physically. It is because of this, online marketing witnesses a huge amount of transactions daily.

Introduction To Outsourcing Designers

With the mounting pressure of increasing production of services to manifold owing to increasing demand, industries and organizations find it nearly impossible to conduct recruitments of new employees, who have to be paid their salaries and benefits now and then, incurring heavy losses. To prevent these losses and boast production and continue to survive the market competition. Industries and organizations have devised a new trick up their sleeves, by making use of outsourcing. Outsourcing also simply defined as a business practice of delegating tasks that form a part of designs and production to other parties or organizations that can perform them better, faster, and most importantly, cheaper. 

Outsourcing designers has become an essential part for every online marketer, where the organizations referred to are hired temporarilyand not as permanent employees of the organization. This can be understood by considering the case of designers that play a major role in every industry. Industries require designers in various roles like company logo designers, company good package designers, and software designers. Now, with growing requirements for a company’s production and sale quotient, the company requires good quality logos to represent the brand, as well as good quality packaging to attract buyers. 

Outsourcing Designers

Consider a company X, which, on a sale of Rs 100000. Earns a gross profit of Rs 100000 by providing logo and package design services to other companies. We can consider two cases where a company tries to finance designers for the given project – 

To insource or outsourcing designers? A critical question for digital marketers

  1. The first solution would recruit a full-time designer employee at a base pay of Rs 60000 for 40 hours of work and emoluments and benefits provided by the company. Reducing the profit margin to roughly Rs 20000- Rs 30000 from a whopping Rs 100000. Further, at a permanent position, the company would have to consistently pay the employee, his salary at regular months, leading to losses to the company.
  2. The second solution would be the company hiring external specialists called freelancers to produce designs for them for Rs 50 per hour, Rs 1600 per week, and ultimately Rs 82000 approx per year, which would be quite less than what was being paid to the regular employee, thus saving the profit margins and getting chunks of work completed without the need to hire workers at a permanent position. 

The Second Case

The designing work that is given to the party that is not a part of the company, but some other organization to finish the work efficiently and at low costs, is what’s called outsourcing. Outsourcing may be considered as a realistic yet typical move when a business developed. Outsourcing doesn’t mean that there would be a drop in the quality of work that the clients would receive since freelancers can provide the same quality of work, which was provided by the full-time employees.

 Companies have been searching for freelancers to simplify their work through various means like the most popular are, freelance websites that recommend freelancers to companies based on their actual design requirements and skillsets. If the requirement matches, the company hires those freelancers on a particular pay scale till the completion of the project. And after the completion, the freelancers can join other organizations and work on their projects. After they leave the previous one where they worked. In simple words, a permanently employed designer may prove a much costly asset, as compared to a temporarily employed freelancer.

Advantages Of Outsourcing Designers

Organizations have special marketing agencies within them to help produce good quality designs and expand this production as a fully-fledged service. Yet, the question that arises here is that, would outsourcing designers still be beneficial for the organization? Even after the production of good designs at home, would the purpose of outsourcing still work? The answer is yes.

Outsourcing designers can prove beneficial in the following ways – 

A variety in the specialization

A real market agency keeps a track of every minor requirement that could make a difference. In its production capabilities and qualities. In this case, an employee with a single skill won’t be able to make any difference. Instead, multi-specialization roles would be required to satiate the requirement, which is possible if we consider hiring freelance designers since each freelance would be equipped with a different skill set at a set cost, rather than paying a single employee an increased salary for multitasking. The company must hire such freelancers who focus on a particular area and design completely as per the client’s requirements.

 Digital Marketing Strategies for Beginners | Outsourcing designers

Increased chances of creativity

The most important niche that every company wants is creativity. A single employee would try to perform a standard procedure. As per the multiple skills learned and the time foundation present. On the other hand, freelancers have a great chance of working on new and enhanced ideas on working with designs. With the help of freelancers, a company can prefer to enter into a new field of service. Thus boosting revenues at the cost of short expenses. Suppose if a person, well versed with programming, but wants to develop an android app. As such, he/she can hire a freelancer who is an expert in android app development. Hence, bridging the gap between the two fields of production.

Adjusting to ever-changing work requirements

There are times when there is a sudden change in demand for different varieties of designs. Leading to an increase in the workload of production and delivery before the deadline. Hence, to handle this increase in workload pattern, more temporary freelancers can be hired. This increase in the number of freelancers can give a big boost. In the speed of production and delivery of quality designs. In this manner, marketers can meet their rising demands with ease.

Cost-cutting with flexibility

 As discussed before, freelancers can be temporarily hired until the completion of the project, with flexible work conditions where every work item/constituent has to be arranged by the freelancers themselves and not the company, thus further saving costs.

Ways Of Effective Outsourcing Designers

Effective outsourcing designers also play an important role in deciding the efficiency and costs entitled to the company designers. Effective outsourcing can manage by-

  1. Managing freelancers from different regions under a common leader by hiring a head design manager who synchronizes relations among freelancers to ensure faster and smoother completion of work, and keeping a continuous check on their work and progress.
  2. Hiring freelancers through quality works and online talent hunts, which makes the progress faster and smoother.
  3. Taking a look at all the decisions made for the company design productions and pondering. On the impacts that these can have on the overall working of the employees and freelancers together.

Wrapping Up

We have seen the impact of online marketing over the world. Online marketing expansion is not possible without appropriate outsourcing designers, where a company distributes its tasks among minor organizations and individuals such as freelancers to complete the work and generate results within a time limit. Considering the case of designing industries, freelance designers have proved far more efficient over permanent, multi-skilled employees drawing a higher salary. Freelancers help cut company costs by using their hardware and software. Have the ability to come up with new and creative designs. And can adjust to all kinds of changing workload within their organization. After the completion of their designs along with approvals from the organization. Freelancers are free to join another organization and take up to designs over there.

These freelancers can managed under a single organization, as long as their tasks prevail. Certain tips to be kept in mind while outsourcing is the availability of a design budget, management of the freelancers, describing the outsourced design to the clients as per company’s policies, plan of design, and conflicts among designers. Hence, outsourcing designers not only lightens up the work but also increases the efficiency and provides exposure to the independent workers; freelancers regarding the demand and requirements of different designs, paving the way to efficient outsourcing designers and designs. Outsourcing designers as a part of online marketing connecting the world

Picture of Humritha K

Humritha K

Humritha has spent her life using her personal and career experiences in writing articles, engaging blogs, etc. Purses B.E in CSE, written 1000+ articles in both tech and non-tech related niches. An expert in SEO Optimization and worked as HR and all related activities.

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