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Graphic Design and Environmental Sustainability

Graphic design and designers should not investigate the narrow nature of the creative process. As part of the overall project and production process. The designer contributes to the development process, which begins with the concept process and then ends with the delivery process.

In addition to the current and future challenges facing our environment, companies such as IKEA, Apple. Lego and even Starbucks are implementing sustainable policies to reduce global resource use and are focusing on product recycling. Sustainable sustainability refers to a planning process that integrates an environmentally friendly environment. And considers natural resources as part of planning.

Although different training systems follow the same development methods and tools. This concept is still lacking in the graphic design industry. Most graphic arts schools do not provide sustainable education in other areas. Such as product design, building design and so on.

As the printing industry presents an important means of communication with various projects inside and outside the creative world. Its work to gain support is becoming increasingly important. Filmmakers ’ongoing practice encompasses a wide range of ideas. Including the traditional and digital areas of graphic design. These concepts include material, ink, paper and also the design itself.

Rules for sustainable projects include:

  • optimizes the capabilities of the site;
  • reduces the use of non-renewable energy;
  • use organic products;
  • water protection and conservation;
  • improving the quality of the internal environment; and
  • Simplification of operation and maintenance methods.

The use of a sustainable project philosophy encourages solutions at all stages of the project that reduce the negative impact on the environment and public health without compromising results. It is an integrated, comprehensive approach that encourages compromises and compromises.

Reducing the environmental impact of graphic design

Graphic design is based on many resources, such as energy, water, paper, ink, solvents and packaging. Designers make decisions that cover the potential environmental impact of a project’s life cycle.

Sustainable design is used to reduce the environmental impact of graphic design.

What effect on graphic design?

Graphic Design, designers and Emerging Sustainability Roles

The size, shape, color, printing style and paper chosen by the designer ultimately determine the size of the environmental impact.

By making informed decisions, designers can reduce their impact on the environment, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a more efficient use of natural resources.


With the shift to electronic workflow and cloud computing, paper products remain an important social product.

The life cycle of paper begins before the resin is removed – the steel and fuel needed by machines come from other industries that have an impact on the environment. Once cut, the trees are turned into chips, then transported, killed, bleached and finally made on paper.

Each of these steps uses valuable resources and releases pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and greenhouse gases into the environment.

Ink and solvent

Paints and solvents may contain contaminants and emissions that also may contribute to environmental pollution.

Many inks and solvents contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which contribute to climate change, and VOC emissions and mixing with vehicle emissions can generate photochemical vapors.

Some inks contain toxic heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium and barium, which can pose significant health and environmental risks if released into the environment. Waste of ink occurs during printing due to discoloration, pre-cleaning and incorrect use of the ink.

Printing in Graphic Design

Smoke, air and solid waste are major printing problems.

Publishers who have read their designs will have some kind of environmental acceptance or environmental management system. Be sure to ask how the printing press works as well as the procedures required to reduce air and water before choosing a printer.

Website Designing

As a web designer, it is important to think about what will happen to the project when it is published. While systems like white and black text make the screen easier to read and reduce computer consumption, printing paper uses different high-end ink. This also applies to websites that are two or more pages long when it is written and the pageant.

Another important factor in the design and development of a network is the power required to support servers and information technology servers.

Consumption in industry

Artists throw themselves at their computers to work. Computers, on the other hand, consume a lot of energy and contribute to climate change. Try to convert electricity into clean energy – at least 20% – to reduce your carbon footprint.

Advice for permanent website and graphic design

There are many ways to create drawings and discussions.


Make it smaller and smaller: Innovation and size reduction – choose the first larger, or folded envelope or small business card.

  • Make it better: By promoting your business, rather than increasing it, also you can reduce the need for document creation.
  • White Wet: By reducing the amount of white paper in your paper, you can reduce the amount of paper needed to create it.
  • Give it a second life: give the product a second chance at life, to reduce the chance of a ground break.
  • Don’t stay too close: By leaving only one white color in your work, you can reduce ink waste and allow for recycling of paper.


  • Do it without chlorine: TCF or chlorine bleach (PCF) is required.
  • Look for certification: there are many certification companies that cater to environmentalists.
  • Use a moving computer (used): Choose a document with the highest percentage of available moving objects.
  • Think about it: should it be on solid paper for heavy work or can you fix it with a small mobile phone and still deliver good products?

Ink on paper prints

  • Use noiseless ink: reduce the desire and choice of noiseless options can affect the number of fly-by-fly.
  • Use a printer that pollutes the environment: Ask the printer what they do to reduce their impact on the environment – a good printer should reduce pollution.
  • Never print: go digital and use non-print options whenever possible, as this will reduce the impact of this product on the environment.


  • Talk to them: Tell your customers your decision and encourage them to include this product information.
  • Provide customers with an environmental choice: Always provide your customers with options designed to minimize impact.